About Wedhampton

Wedhampton Today

Wedhampton is a small, thriving, friendly hamlet of some 120 residents (including Lydeway) in just over 50 dwellings which range from sixteenth century thatched cottages to a new Palladian style mansion. It is characterised in the Wedhampton Conservation Area Statement of 2002 as an attractive, peaceful and pretty place in which to live. Further building development is unlikely; the area being protected by various conservation restrictions.

Situated at the western end of the Vale of Pewsey just north of the A342 Devizes-Andover road. Approximately four miles south-east of Devizes, Wedhampton is within the Parish of Urchfont, which has a church (St Michael and All Angels), Church of England Primary School, a pub – The Lamb Inn, a community shop and post office and a village hall.

Although, strictly speaking, the hamlet is a part of Urchfont and is represented on the Parish Council, the main road (A342), acts as a natural dividing line between the two communities and Wedhampton has developed a strong identity of its own. Thus, as well as participating in the many activities in the larger Urchfont community, Wedhampton has a flourishing programme of social events, mostly organised by the Wedhampton Residents Social Group. The small community living a quarter of a mile west on the main road at Lydeway are invited to join in these events.

The residents of Wedhampton, are of all ages from families with children at school to pensioners. Many work from home and cover a wide range of professions, occupations and interests; Business & Finance, Agriculture and the Arts (both Writers and Artists) are all represented. A number of retired people – professional and artisan – live in the hamlet and with their wealth of experience and knowledge contribute much to the life of the community.